Taya Currie becomes 1st female drafted to OHL

Taya Currie became the first female ever drafted to the OHL on Saturday, going 267th overall to the Sarnia Sting.

"Taya Currie is a very athletic goaltender," said OHL director of central scouting Darrell Woodley. "Not the biggest goalie in the world at 5-foot-7, 140 pounds, but she makes up for it in her athleticism and her quickness. She does a great job taking away the bottom of the net with her butterfly style.

"She challenges well, she moves well in her net. She's been playing with boys in AAA since minor atom," Woodley added.

Shannon Szabados, Manon Rheaume, and Charline Labonte are the three women to previously play in the CHL, with Szabados being the most recent to do so in 2002-03.

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