Agent: Kucherov cleared air with Yzerman, focused on Cup run

Tampa Bay Lightning winger Nikita Kucherov finished last season tied for fifth in league scoring with 85 points, but he also ended the year by calling out his teammates and organization.

Related: Plenty of Kucherov's teammates had good numbers, so who's he calling out?

Despite him burying 99 goals over the last three seasons, the comments didn't go over well. However, he attempted to remedy the issue by speaking with Lightning GM Steve Yzerman recently, according to his agent, Dan Milstein.

"They got on the same page. There's no disagreements," Milstein told Joe Smith of the Tampa Bay Times. "Everything is good. What was said is done, stays in the past."

Milstein added that Kucherov knows he has to continue to improve next season, and is excited about Tampa's chances.

"He knows what's expected and wants to be great," he said. "He wants to keep working, improving, and building on last year's performance. He hopes to have a redo this year, and that everyone stays healthy. He feels this is the year for them to win the Cup. He's very excited."

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